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The new construction of the Class 424 fleet service boats will cost more from 2.1 billion euros to 3.3 billion euros. This emerges from the procurement template that the Budget Committee approved on July 5th.

In June 2021, the Budget Committee approved the development and procurement of three fleet service boats as well as a reconnaissance training and reference facility (ARAA) for sea-based signal acquisition reconnaissance (ssA). As the main contractor, Lürssen was commissioned to develop the systems by February 2023. A construction contract must be concluded for the implementation phase, the services of which should be completed by 2029. The first of the three boats is scheduled to be put into service in 2027 and will mark the replacement of the fleet service boats Oker, Alster and Oste, which have been in use for over 30 years.

At that time, the BMVg justified the procurement by saying that the continuous supply of one area of ​​operation, the temporary supply of a second area and the acquisition of basic data had to be made possible.

The ssA's contribution to the military intelligence situation is the basis for its own analysis, assessment and leadership skills and thus provides an indispensable and continuous contribution to the federal government's cross-departmental situation report. This includes, among other things, reconnaissance missions for crisis observation as well as missions to clarify operational parameters and operational capability of potential enemy weapons, weapon control, command and communication systems and the associated structures.

According to the BMVg, the FD 423 currently used do not meet the requirements for worldwide usability. The required operational availability is no longer being achieved today due to increased repair times due to age. In addition, due to shipbuilding conditions, there is only very little further development and future potential.

Der Bundesrechnungshof hatte an dem Vorhaben kritisiert, dass es für das Trägersystem keine Leistungsschreibung gebe, dass Leistungsnachweise nicht geplant seien und dass es keinen Einblick in die Kostenbestandteile des Vertrages gebe. Dies seien Gründe für die nicht nachvollziehbaren Kostensteigerungen.


The BMVg has justified the additional requirement now required with value adjustments, increased labor costs and surcharges for external deliveries as well as a higher management reserve.

In view of the high demand for the reconnaissance services of the fleet service boats, the Budget Committee approved the increased budget estimates. However, the committee has adopted a specific resolution to ensure greater parliamentary control of the ongoing project. In it, he calls, among other things, for more intensive support of the project by the Bundeswehr and regular reports, especially if the total value set as the maximum limit is exceeded.

As reconnaissance ships, the fleet service boats are equipped with numerous sensors for signal-detecting reconnaissance. They deliver their intelligence results to the Intelligence and Impact Command, where they are evaluated centrally and made available for early crisis detection and to support operations.

Editorial staff / gwh