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BAAINBw has concluded a contract with Rheinmetall to supply 19 Boxers with Skyranger 30 turrets. As the company announced, a prototype and 18 series vehicles will be delivered with the mobile air defense system. According to the information, the contract value is 595 million euros. The Bundeswehr expects the prototype at the end of 2024.

The Budget Committee of the German Bundestag released the funding for the procurement on February 21st (ESuTreported).

The Skyranger 30 system, like the IRIS-T SLM, is one of the advance purchases for the air defense system for short-range and close-range protection, which was commissioned last month and in which Rheinmetall is involved as part of the ARGE NNbS.

Als wesentlicher Bestandteil von NNbS bettet sich Skyranger 30 in die European Sky Shield Initiative der Bundesregierung ein, mit der Deutschland innerhalb der NATO eine Rolle als Anlehnungsnation in der bodengebundenen Luftverteidigung Europas eingenommen hat, schreibt Rheinmetall.

The 8×8 Boxer with mission module mobile air defense system Skyranger 30 with retracted dual launcher for Stinger. (Photo: Rheinmetall)

At the same time, the Skyranger 30 air defense system closes the current acute capability gap in mobile air defense. The system offers an optimal combination of mobility, protection, flexibility and precision in order to meet the growing requirements for challenging threat scenarios in the close and immediate range. As a hybrid solution, its turret combines the powerful 30mm x 173 KCE revolver cannon, surface-to-air guided missiles and the necessary sensors on one platform. In Germany, the Skyranger 30 is equipped with the Stinger missile. Depending on customer requirements, various modern guided missiles can be used, e.g. Mistral - as in Austria - or special C-UAS missiles.

As the launch customer, the Republic of Austria recently commissioned the procurement of 36 Skyranger 30 systems (ESuTreported). Other NATO and EU members also want to join the procurement or have already initiated this, writes Rheinmetall. In December 2023, Hungary commissioned the company with the conceptual development of the Skyranger 30 turret for the future anti-aircraft variant of the Lynx KF41 tracked vehicle. Lithuania is also considering introducing the Boxer-based Skyranger 30. Denmark has also announced a corresponding procurement.

The system provided its final proof of performance as a functional demonstrator at the Rheinmetall testing center in Ochsenboden, Switzerland. During the successful test and shooting campaign, the system had to prove itself while stationary and while driving. The functional demonstrator provided important insights that make the production and integration of the German proof model significantly less risky and faster, according to Rheinmetall.

Editorial staff / gwh