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The Air Force's deployable command post (Deployable Control and Reporting Center, DCRC) is ready for operations again after extensive modernization. The BAAINBw has announced that the DCRC was handed over to the Air Force after the modernization was completed. The next deployment is planned for March to July 2024. To this end, the DCRC will be relocated to Estonia as part of the strengthening of the Baltic Air Policing (VAPB) as a German contribution to integrated NATO air defense.

According to the BAAINBw, the DCRC is the only deployable command post in the Air Force's operational command service and has been operated reliably there for over 15 years. However, over time some components become obsolete. To ensure that the DCRC once again corresponds to the current state of technological development, the heart of it, the battle management system, has now been completely renewed and is now available to the Air Force again in the latest generation for airspace surveillance.

The deployable DCRC command post has not changed externally, but the interior has been extensively modernized to reflect the current state of the art. (Photo: Bundeswehr Remmel)

Das System besteht nach der Beschreibung des BAAINBw aus mehreren Containern mit Hochleistungs-Rechneranlagen, die dort auf engstem Raum funktional verbaut sind, sodass es einem stationären Gefechtsstand in Einsatzspektrum und Komplexität nahezu gleichzusetzen ist. Aufgrund seiner Verlegfähigkeit sei das DCRC weltweit einsetzbar und insbesondere für Anfangs- und Stabilisierungsoperationen besonders geeignet. Mit dem DCRC könne der Luftraum kontrolliert und Luftstreitkräfte taktisch geführt werden. Bei einer Bedrohungslage führe der Gefechtsstand außerdem den taktischen Einsatz von Kampfflugzeugen und Flugabwehrraketen.


The DCRC was already in the Baltics and also in Jordan in its old configuration under the call sign “Red Hawk”.

Editorial staff / gwh