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The signatures were signed in Koblenz on June 19, 2020. DAMEN Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS) and the Federal Office for Information Technology and Use of Equipment of the Bundeswehr (BAAINBw) agreed to build the multi-purpose combat ship 180, in the BwAküFi “MKS 180”. The class, which has since been renamed the F 126, will see the start of construction of its first unit on December 5, 2023. This means that the start of production that was promised when the contract was signed will be realized at the end of 2023. For 5.722581 billion euros taken into account in the federal budget at the time, Germany procured four identical frigates, two identical mission modules ASW situational awareness (ASW - boat hunting/underwater warfare) and two identical mission modules custody including land facilities for training as well as external construction support, which is estimated to last around ten years. This brings the net construction costs for the largest units of the German Navy to 4.6 billion euros (our calculation in June 2020).

Artist impression of the F126 at sea (Photos/Graphics: Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding)

With the firing start for construction number 1 of the frigate class F 126, another major armaments project of the Navy began construction. The German-Norwegian one came first

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