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Led by Rheinmetall Canada, Lockheed Martin Canada, Rheinmetall Electronics and Lockheed Martin Training and Logistics Solutions have formed a consortium to build five simulation centers for the Canadian Armed Forces' Land Vehicle Crew Training System (LVCTS) under the name FORC3. As Rheinmetall announced, the consortium, in collaboration with seven Canadian companies, has secured the national capacity to build and operate five modern LVCTS simulation centers across the country.

Die vorgeschlagenen Simulationszentren erzeugen realistische synthetische Umgebungen, die das künftige Einsatzumfeld zu Lande nachbilden, so das Unternehmen weiter. Die kanadischen Streitkräfte sollen so trainieren, wie und wo sie kämpfen werden, und dabei auf virtuelle Gegner treffen, die ein breites Spektrum an hybriden, konventionellen und neuen Bedrohungen darstellen.

The purpose-built simulation centers enable training at the individual, crew, platoon and higher levels using high-fidelity training stations, reconfigurable medium-realism training stations and standard training stations in combination with a robust virtual environment and a comprehensive teaching system .

Editorial staff / gwh