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On February 12, the Supervisory Board of Deutz AG appointed Sebastian C. Schulte as Chairman of the Executive Board with immediate effect, as the company announced. He succeeds Frank Hiller, who was dismissed by the supervisory board after five years in this area of ​​responsibility. His mandate was only extended by five years in February 2021.

According to the same announcement, Dietmar Voggenreiter was elected chairman of the supervisory board. He succeeds Bernd Bohr, who resigned from his mandate. Bohr will remain a full member of the supervisory board.

Schulte sei seit Januar 2021 Mitglied des Deutz-Vorstands und dort bisher als Finanzvorstand und Arbeitsdirektor für die Ressorts Finanzen, Personal, Einkauf und Information Services verantwortlich, schreibt das Unternehmen. Diese Aufgabe werde er interimsweise fortführen. Zuvor war Schulte Geschäftsführer und Chief Financial Officer der Marine-Sparte des ThyssenKrupp-Konzerns (ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems).

The supervisory board wants the board to consist of four people again. In addition to the new CEO Schulte, Markus Müller (Research & Development) and Michael Wellenzohn (Sales, Marketing and Service), a woman is to be appointed according to the Supervisory Board's commitment.

Editorial staff / gwh