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The I/ITSEC in Orlando, Florida, is the largest trade fair for the broad topic of military simulation in the western world. It is also the in-house exhibition of the American armed forces, whose budget for training and simulation at 14.58 billion dollars (2017) even exceeds the total budget of most European armed forces. Accordingly, it is a show of possibilities from the leading companies, where several trends became clear. Among other things, the end of the Domes.

Das Volumen und die Bedeutung der neuen Technologien für die amerikanischen Streitkräfte wurde auch beim Vortrag von Colonel Brady Hauboldt, Program Executive Officer for Agile Combat Support der U.S. Air Force, deutlich. Insgesamt verfüge die Luftwaffe über ein Budget von 7,88 Milliarden Dollar für Electronic Warfare & Avionics Systems, 916 Millionen Dollar für Automatic Test Systems. Es finde aktuell – angesichts der Schnelllebigkeit technologischer Entwicklungszyklen – zudem ein Umdenken in der Beschaffung statt, wobei in den USA nicht die deutsche Trennung zwischen Bedarfsträger und Bedarfsdecker besteht, die Streitkräfte also tatsächlich über ihr Budget verfügen und nach ihren Anforderungen investieren.

"In the past we liked the stability, but we had to rethink," says Hauboldt. “We take the risk that something doesn’t fit after all. We test. We no longer optimize for the penny, but for speed.” Among other things, all of this required a restructuring and improvement of risk assessment in the procurement area. With success. "We were able to reduce the period up to procurement from an average of twelve months to seven months," Hauboldt described. However, this required an adjustment and, above all, a rethinking of the procurement steps and structures.

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