Passive radar system TwInvis in a practical test

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HENSOLDT will das auf der ILA 2018 erstmals in der Öffentlichkeit präsentierte passive Radarsystem TwInvis in Süddeutschland einem Praxistest unterziehen. Nach Presseberichten wird erwartet, dass die Luftwaffe die Messkampagne mit Flugzeugen und Personal unterstützt.

TwInvis uses the reflection of existing radiation, for example from radio and television transmitters on aircraft, and uses this to determine their flight parameters. Neither TwInvis nor the flying object actively emit radiation. This means that the radar system remains invisible, especially for enemy radar reconnaissance. It can be put into operation anywhere without official approval and does not use any of the radio frequencies that are scarce anyway. The compact system can be made mobile with small off-road vehicles.


Gerhard Heiming