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The Russian invasion of Ukraine has already led to a change in NATO's defense concept and a reassessment of the principles of modern warfare. This reassessment takes into account the special situation of Ukraine, which is faced with an opponent that is significantly superior in manpower and equipment.

NATO's military strategy has changed. Today, the strategy is moving toward the principle of defending every square inch of Alliance territory from day one of a conflict, rather than the previous strategy of retaliation. It was previously assumed that in the event of an attack on a NATO member state, the other NATO states would need time for consultations to develop a response. It was also assumed that the affected NATO member could be partially or fully occupied in the early stages of a conflict until the main Allied forces arrived to take action against the enemy. However, after the atrocities committed by Russian troops in Ukraine, such an approach no longer seems acceptable.

Das neue Konzept erfordert eine Stärkung der Verteidigung im Falle einer Aggression, was wiederum ein Verständnis der Bedrohung voraussetzt. Bei der Invasion in der Ukraine hat Russland riesige militärische Verbände mit vielen gepanzerten Fahrzeuge und Artillerie gesetzt, viele noch aus der Sowjetzeit.

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