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Despite France's military withdrawal from Mali and Burkina Faso, the Fifth Republic is still flying the flag in the Sahel. At the request of the government in N'Djamena, a French training mission for a battalion of the Chadian national army took place in the Sahel country from March 6 to April 15, 2023. This took place within the framework of the Military Operational Partnership (PMO) between France and Chad. Meanwhile, Chad's western neighbor Niger has invited the European Union to a military partnership mission, the EUMPM Niger (European Union Military Partnership Mission), which has been in place since March 2023.

The African Sahel is the east-west semi-arid transition zone between the Sahara desert in the north and the dry savannah in the south. Large parts of the Sahel were formerly French colonial possessions: Burkina Faso (the former

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