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Poland has signed a contract with the company Airbus Defense and Space for the delivery of two S950 VHR satellites for optical earth observation. This emerges from a statement from the European company.

According to the information, the contract covers the development, manufacture, introduction and launch of two optical earth observation satellites as well as the provision of a geographic information system. It also includes the associated terrestrial segment, including a direct receiving station in Poland, launch and training services for Polish specialist personnel, as well as maintenance and technical support for the space and ground systems.

According to Airbus, assembly, integration and testing of the satellites will be carried out in Toulouse. The company plans to launch the rocket from the European spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, in 2027. Once the system is ready for use, the images from the satellites will be received directly in Poland by the infrastructure of the national satellite system, ensuring complete autonomy. as Airbus Defense and Space points out.

In order to bridge the time until then, the contract concluded provides for the provision of satellite images from the Airbus Pléiades Neo constellation starting this year.

Die Pléiades Neo Konstellation besteht derzeit aus zwei Satelliten in der Erdumlaufbahn, die seit 2021 von Airbus betrieben werden. Mit dem Programm bietet das Unternehmen kommerziell erhältliche Satellitenbilder in hoher Auflösung an. Hieraus ist auch der Satellit vom Typ Airbus S950 VHR hervorgegangen, so Airbus Defence and Space.


According to the company's own information, the contract that has now been concluded is the first export success of the satellite system, which was achieved with the support of the French government.

Jean-Marc Nasr, Head of Space Systems at Airbus, said: “This contract will give Poland one of the most advanced satellite Earth observation systems in the world. It strengthens Europe and gives the Polish nation a truly sovereign space capacity.” The project is part of the strategic partnership between France and Poland, Nasr continued.


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