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At the general meeting of Airbus SE, René Obermann's mandate as CEO was extended by three years. For the German-French group, it is agreed that the chairman of the board is German if the CEO - like Guillaume Faury currently - comes from France.

Neben seiner Tätigkeit für Airbus ist Obermann bei dem Private-Equity-Unternehmen Pincus Deutschland und dem Webhosting und Cloud-Unternehmen IONOS Group engagiert.


Obermann began his career at BMW and then founded a telecommunications company that was merged into Hutchinson Mobile and was ultimately headed by him. In 2000 he moved to Deutsche Telekom and led the company from 2006 to 2013. This was followed by managerial positions at Ziggo BV, Telenor and Allianz Deutschland. 2020 was appointed CEO of Airbus SE.

Editorial staff / gwh