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Photonis liefert der Bundeswehr Bildverstärkerröhren 4G High FOM für den Einsatz in NYX-Nachtsichtbrillen von Theon Sensors. Mit den neuen Bildverstärkerröhren wird die Nachtkampffähigkeit gesteigert und vor allem das Führen von Fahrzeugen sicherer gemacht.

Performance characteristics of the 4G tubes (table: Photonis)

The 4G image intensifier tubes improve depth perception, which is important for judging distance and relative movement. Features include ultra-fast auto-gating that preserves visibility even with bright individual emitters, reduced fringes around bright objects (halo), and a very wide spectral range from ultraviolet to near-infrared. All of this together results in the high image quality that drivers and commanders need at night.

Gerhard Heiming