Der 22. Juni 2021 war für das Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr (BAAINBw) ein bedeutender Meilenstein in einem herausfordernden Projekt: Erstmals wurde der Gesamtsystemdemonstrator für einen zukünftigen Luftbeweglichen Waffenträger (GSD LuWa) präsentiert.
The airmobile weapon carrier is intended to replace the Wiesel 1 systems currently in use after almost thirty years of use. The technical and logistical dependencies of the main hull, drive train and weapon system components no longer correspond to the current state of the art. The service life of the Wiesel-1 fleet is currently being extended. This is intended to upgrade the systems until the introduction of the new weapon carrier.
Der luftbewegliche Waffenträger ist Bestandteil des Programms „Luftlandeplattformen“. Dieses steht für die Gesamtheit aller luftlandefähigen Plattformen, welche neben dem LuWa (Kettenvariante) weitere Einsatzsysteme (Radvarianten) umfassen soll. Die Fähigkeitslücke und Funktionale Forderung für Luftlandeplattformen wurde am 20. April 2020 vom Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr, Eberhard Zorn, anerkannt und gebilligt. Diese Forderung bildet die Grundlage für die derzeitigen F&T-Maßnahmen (Forschung und Technologie) im Rahmen der Analysephase Teil 2 des CPM-Prozesses (Customer Product Management).
The considerations on the airmobile weapon carrier are based on a holistic view of the mobility of the airborne forces. Therefore, all necessary air landing platforms were considered within the framework of the responsible working group in the planning office of the Bundeswehr. Based on the first conceptual cornerstones, the functional requirements were analyzed in 2016. In terms of a comprehensible claims management, vignettes were derived from scenarios confirmed by the ministers in several workshops with the troops, which were geared to the tasks of the airborne forces and the mountain troops. In this way, experienced users worked out the functional requirements for the system together with the technicians of the BAAINBw in intensive discussions, which were moderated by the Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH (IABG). The results were included in the creation of the catalog of requirements for air landing platforms as well as for the airmobile weapon carrier. With the depiction of the requirements in the "Require 7" tool, which can be used uniformly across all phases of the CPM, the claims management at LuWa also does justice to the advanced digitization of the Bundeswehr.
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