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Archive: News & technical articles

The Austrian Armed Forces on the way to ÖBH2032+

Der 24. Februar 2022 markiert auch für die Republik Österreich und somit das Österreichische Bundesheer eine Zäsur der Sicherheitsordnung. Was bis dahin noch undenkbar schien, wurde bittere Realität. Der Krieg ist nach Europa zurückgekehrt. Damit hat neben den andauernden hybriden subkonventionellen Bedrohungen und Angriffen auch die konventionelle militärische Einsatzführung wieder klar an Bedeutung gewonnen. Das […]

Die BAKS ist eine Akademie – Bildung und Weiterbildung sind unser Schwerpunkt

Interview mit Generalmajor Wolf-Jürgen Stahl, Präsident der Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik (BAKS) ES&T: Herr Stahl, was ist Ihre Bilanz nach den ersten 100 Tagen als Präsident der BAKS? Stahl: Nun ich würde eher von Eindruck als von Bilanz sprechen. Vor kurzem habe ich unser diesjähriges Fachseminar für Digitalisierung und Sicherheitspolitik begleitet. Neben Stationen in Berlin ging […]

Den Übergang von der Krise in den Krieg bewältigen – Die Wintex-Cimex-Übungen

„Bedingt abwehrbereit“ titelte der Spiegel am 8. Oktober 1962. In einer schwer lesbaren Story beschrieb Conrad Ahlers die NATO-Übung Fallex 62, die wenige Wochen zuvor mit einem düsteren Szenario die Bundesrepublik Deutschland umfassend zerstört und den bis dahin unzureichenden Zustand der Bundeswehr gegeißelt hatte. Bei Fallex 66 (Fall-Exercises, Herbtsübungen) war das Szenario nicht wesentlich anders. […]

Turning point in German-Finnish cooperation

Finnland ist seit dem 4. April 2023 das 31. Mitglied der NATO – auf den Tag genau 74 Jahre nach der Gründung des Bündnisses. Der NATO-Beitritt des nordeuropäischen Landes wurde unter dem Eindruck des Angriffskrieges gegen die Ukraine vollzogen. Seit dem Beitritt stehen in den Worten von Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius „Deutschland und die Bundeswehr (…) […]

European Defense Industry Strategy – Regulatory strength is needed instead of political symbols

In the midst of the ammunition crisis in Ukraine and the uncoordinated rebuilding of military capabilities in the EU member states, the European defense technology base needs a strategic orientation. The European Defense Industrial Strategy (EDIS) can contribute to this strategic direction, although not through a major achievement, which some commentators and political decision-makers see in the form of an EU defense commissioner, but through the […]

Fear itself

Anyone who reads the sign at the dark entrance to the Tunnel Museum must shiver: “The 20th century ends here,” it says. The secret tunnel connected besieged Sarajevo, which was under daily shelling, with the free surrounding area, 1993-95. The city received additional supplies from the air, including from the German Air Force. After the UN debacle at the Srebrenica massacre, it was IFOR that [...]

“Steadfast Jupiter 2023”

The largest and most important NATO command post exercise since the end of the Cold War in a unique training environment: More than 24 headquarters (HQs) with more than 7,000 participants practiced at various locations in a fictional but realistic scenario. The Bundeswehr logistics school was a training location. With a large number of participants from various NATO member states, the exercise “Steadfast Jupiter 2023” took place […]

Armed Forces Base – What makes exercise support possible

With its unique NBC defense, military police and logistics capabilities, the armed forces base provides essential core competencies for the armed forces to fulfill their mission. The experts and specialists of the armed forces base enable agile, efficient and effective fulfillment of tasks in all dimensions of the Bundeswehr, in national and alliance defense, in international crisis management and in exercises. A […]

Navy and air force underway for exercises in the Indo-Pacific

As a further milestone and at the same time an expression of Germany's growing commitment to international security and stability in the Indo-Pacific, the frigate "Baden-Württemberg" and the task force supplier "Frankfurt am Main" will set off for the Indo-Pacific on May 7th . While the “Bayern” was traveling there alone, two naval ships are now taking on the task of […]

70 years ago – Lockheed XF-104 Starfighter took flight

Even 70 years after its first flight, this fighter aircraft called the “Starfighter” has lost none of its appeal among aviation and technology enthusiasts. In addition to the veritable facts of the construction and performance data, this also includes the various legends. But it is also a fact that the “star hunter” is currently reaching for the stars again for Italy’s aerospace industry. Development […]

Army reforms basic training

The army wants to reform its training structures for recruits this year. It starts with three brigades. Soldiers will then no longer go through general basic training followed by special basic training. Instead, they should receive the new basic training. The reason for the reform is inadequate combat training in the existing system. Basic training is a formative […]

European Sky Shield Initiative – Challenges of international cooperation and the silence surrounding current progress

The European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI) is moving forward, but its path to full integration is not without obstacles. What is the current status of international cooperation within the ESSI? Why might this important initiative not receive the attention it deserves? Russia's attack on Ukraine shocked Europe and […]

The Germany operational plan – one plan and many problems

It is due to be presented at the end of March: the Operational Plan for Germany (O-Plan). It is the military portion of Germany's overall defense. But after decades of neglecting national and alliance defense capabilities, many problems must be addressed in order to actually achieve the stated goal of the O-Plan: to be defense-ready to deter. From March 31st it should be back […]

Lose-lose question marks or a silver lining

Ambassador Rainer Rudolph has been Deputy Chairman of the Munich Security Conference (MSC) since 2023. He was envoy at the German Embassy in Vienna until 2023. During his previous postings abroad, he was employed at the Permanent Mission to the EU in Brussels and at the German embassies in Warsaw and Washington, DC. He talks to ES&T about […]

Help for Ukraine

Six Sea King Mk41 At the 18th meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, the Ramstein format, Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced that the Bundeswehr would provide Ukraine with six Sea King Mk41 multi-purpose helicopters. The helicopters can be delivered together with an extensive accessories and spare parts package from the second quarter of 2024. The Bundeswehr also supports aviation and technical […]

KSK goes NATO – current status and developments in the Special Forces Command

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Robust, flexible, professional – military police on NATO’s eastern border

The German military police part of the enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup Lithuania Suitability for war is a word that is currently used more frequently in connection with the armed forces. The ability to fight as a basic requirement of all armed forces and as the purpose of a standing army in order to protect our value-oriented society as a credible, defensive democracy requires the armed forces [...]

Comment – ​​Let’s return to our own door!

The world breathed a sigh of relief when Joe Biden emerged as the winner of the election for the office of US President in November 2020. He replaced Donald Trump, whose unusual political style, lack of diplomatic understanding and lack of tact caused at least international astonishment. But Trump cannot lose, and his call to storm […]

The Kerch Bridge – An Achilles heel of Russian logistics

Two years ago, Russia attacked Ukraine in violation of international law. With the counteroffensive that began in June 2023, Ukraine has not yet been able to achieve its goal of interrupting the land bridge to Crimea in the south, cutting the Russian supply lines and dividing the Russian forces in the Ukraine theater of war with an advance to the Sea of ​​Azov. […]

Capacity building in the defense industry using artillery ammunition as an example

The current industrial capacities for the production of 155 mm artillery shells in particular in Europe are still insufficient to ensure deliveries to Ukraine and the build-up of stocks. Russia has already begun to massively expand its industrial capacities. The course for capacity expansion must be set now in order to continue to pursue the goal of making Ukraine […]

Turning point

“As the most populous nation with the greatest economic power and a country in the middle of the continent, our army must become the cornerstone of conventional defense in Europe, the best-equipped armed force in Europe.” These were the words used by the Chancellor in his speech at the Bundeswehr Conference on June 16 September 2022 the political-strategic demands on the Bundeswehr in […]

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