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Archive: News & technical articles

AI and OSINT strengthen leadership in crises, conflicts, wars and disasters

Aufklärung und Informationsgewinnung sind entscheidende Faktoren zur Situationsaufklärung und zur Stärkung der operativen Führungsfähigkeit im breiten Spektrum der inneren und äußeren Sicherheit. Neben hoheitlichen Belangen sind solche der Gesellschaft, der Industrie und anderer Organisationen im Fokus vieler Überlegungen und Strategien. Im Folgenden diskutieren wir das zweckdienliche Potenzial der Erhebung und Auswertung von Massendaten aus einer […]

Fraunhofer – Active muon radiography

In der Atmosphäre entstehen durch die Einwirkung kosmischer Strahlung hoch- energetische Teilchen namens Myonen, die nahezu jede Substanz über große Längen durchdringen können. Diese natürliche Myonen-Strahlung wird seit Jahrzehnten beispielsweise in der Geologie zur Untersuchung unterirdischer Strukturen oder in der Archäologie zur Detektion von Hohlräumen (z. B. in Pyramiden oder im Untergrund) genutzt. Zunehmend werden […]

Recap MSC Innovation Night 2024 – “Making more out of Stronger Together”

Der große Saal des Bayerischen Hofes im Herzen von München war bis zum letzten Platz besetzt, als Christoph Heusgen, Vorsitzender der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz, ans Podium trat und die anwesenden Gäste zur MSC Innovation Night begrüßte. Die offene Abendveranstaltung wurde vom Veranstalter der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz und des Cyber Innovation Hub der Bundeswehr gemeinsam organisiert. Das Thema […]

IT NEWS – Software Defined Defense Faster software development for the Bundeswehr with “Platform42”

Digitalisierung wird für die Fähigkeitsentwicklung der deutschen Streitkräfte immer wichtiger – und immer drängender. Software kommt dabei eine besondere Bedeutung zu, da sich mit ihr Systeme schneller aktualisieren lassen. Eine neue Plattform der BWI soll der Bundeswehr dabei helfen, Software künftig schneller zu entwickeln. Der Angriff Russlands auf die Ukraine und damit auf die sicherheitspolitische […]

Praktisches Forderungscontrolling in der Planung aus Sicht eines IPT-Leiters

Das Thema Forderungscontrolling ist derzeit im Planungs- sowie Beschaffungsamt der Bundeswehr gefühlt der neueste Trend oder besser gesagt der neue Kurs im Projektmanagement. Im Bundesministerium der Verteidigung (BMVg) sieht man darin großes Potenzial zur Beschleunigung und Kosteneindämmung von Beschaffungen in der Rüstung. Eine Task Force und eine Arbeitsgruppe in Bonn, Berlin und Koblenz arbeiten mit […]

Das Richtige sagen und das Richtige „richtig“ sagen – Schlüsselqualifikation und Erfolgsfaktor für eine effektive Führung

Die Lehrgangsteilnehmenden an der Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr in Hamburg lernen und trainieren auch Rhetorik- und Präsentationsskills. Virtual Reality (VR) kann hier helfen, die Ausbildung von Soldatinnen und Soldaten weiter zu verbessern und effizienter zu gestalten. Momentan testet der Cyber Innovation Hub der Bundeswehr gemeinsam mit der Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr und dem Verlag Dashöfer das Innovationsvorhaben […]

Die Logik softwarezentrierter Rüstung

Ein Waffensystem ohne Software scheint heute kaum denkbar. Software unterstützt sowohl bei der Erhebung als auch Verarbeitung von Informationen, wie auch bei der Steuerung der Systeme selbst. Software in Waffensystemen – die logische Herleitung Beim Einsatz von Software handelt es sich um eine logische Evolution im Bereich militärischer Systeme, schaut man in deren Historie. In […]

IT News & TRENDS – 5th BWI Data Analytics Hackathon: Solutions for the digital Bundeswehr

How can automation be used to make processes faster and more efficient and how can the use of artificial intelligence (AI) help? The participants from the Bundeswehr, BWI and ITZBund addressed these questions at the BWI Data Analytics Hackathon 2023. They worked together in small teams on innovative IT solutions. For the fifth time now […]

Asked – Brigadier General Dr. Volker Pötzsch, head of the information technology department at BAAINBw

Interview with Brigadier General Dr. Volker Pötzsch, Head of Information Technology Department at BAAINBw ES&T: Mr. General, you took over management of the Information Technology Department at BAAINBw in February of this year. Please tell us about the impressions you gained. Pötzsch: Although I have always been more or less closely involved with […]

The Information Technology Department (I) at BAAINBw

The information technology specialists at BAAINBw are located in Koblenz/Lahnstein and Dresden. The employees are all experts in their respective fields, be it in the form of a technical expert in one of the five project groups (I3 to I7), in the cross-sectional group I1 or as an administrative officer in group I2. The department has […]

Fraunhofer – Automated Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence is currently a buzzword on everyone’s lips. Today's particularly powerful applications, such as B. the large generic models GPT for language processing and Stable Diffusion for image generation are now used in many areas. These, as well as a variety of other smaller, specialized models, are based primarily on machine learning (ML) by using data […]

Artificial intelligence in the Bundeswehr – enabler or user of software defined defense?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly permeating all areas of daily life. Of course, it doesn't stop at the Bundeswehr. It opens up new possibilities that can be exploited by military actors. For the armed forces and therefore also for the Bundeswehr, it is important to establish and maintain superiority and competitiveness in this field. “Software […]

A Silent War: Frontline Report from Ukraine's Electronic War

Electronic warfare (EW) in the Ukrainian war is crucial for both sides. Both warring parties are trying to use the modern possibilities of the electromagnetic spectrum on the battlefield. The domain is used to collect information, locate targets, disrupt, deceive and also shoot down drones. Although EW has appeared on many battlefields of the 20th and 21st centuries […]

IT NEWS – KALMAR – With AI for faster underwater reconnaissance

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) for military reconnaissance has now become almost standard. However, what is now common practice on land or in the air is much more difficult under water. The reasons for this are, on the one hand, the physical conditions that require a different approach when collecting data. […]

Software Defined Defense – Shiny buzzword or necessity for modern armed forces?

The so-called turning point brought Germany's defense capability back into focus. Deficits that had been known for decades but were politically accepted became visible to everyone. The Bundeswehr's foreign missions, which took place within the framework of NATO, the EU and the UN, revealed the lack of interface capability of the military platforms within the Bundeswehr and even more so with international partners. […]

Dark Eagle: US Army introduces hypersonic weapon

Under a TSK joint memorandum, the US Navy and the US Army are working together to develop a hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV). HGVs are transported to exoatmospheric altitudes by a launch vehicle. After reaching hypersonic speed, they separate from the booster rocket and switch to unpowered glide mode. Unlike ballistic missiles, […]

The HUSAR and FALKE reconnaissance systems are being procured, and development of the Eurofighter radar continues

In its 55th meeting on September 20th, the Budget Committee of the German Bundestag approved the procurement of “highly efficient unmanned systems for medium-range imaging reconnaissance” (HUSAR) and additional expenditure for the development of the German-Spanish E-scan radar ECRS Mk1 to equip the Eurofighter combat aircraft approved from 2028. Regardless of this, the BAAINBw has ordered FALKE reconnaissance systems for the special forces. At the […]

Problems with radio device integration – BAAINBw sets up D-LBO coordination office

The delays in equipping vehicles with digital radio devices as part of the digitalization of land-based operations (D-LBO) basic caused some irritation at the end of September and caused a lot of media coverage. As Defense Minister Boris Pistorius admitted after a meeting of the Defense Committee in October, “everyone involved”, from industry to the Federal Office for Equipment, Information Technology and Use […]

IT NEWS – BWI Technologies Centers are setting the course for the Bundeswehr IT of tomorrow

Today's technology will be yesterday's technology tomorrow. Companies are therefore faced with the challenge of having to constantly react to rapid developments. Adaptability – human, technological and organizational – is the key to rapid and efficient responsiveness. As the Bundeswehr's primary digitalization partner, the BWI must also anticipate technological developments and […]

Artificial intelligence in use against digital disinformation campaigns

Disinformation has been part of hybrid warfare since Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine. Fake videos, texts and photos are deliberately distributed in order, for example, to manipulate public opinion or to destroy discourse. This is an important issue for the Bundeswehr in operational areas abroad. Corresponding content is provided by various departments of the Bundeswehr [...]

Central security environment for the Bundeswehr's private cloud

The information technology protection of IT infrastructures of the Bundeswehr's IT system (IT-SysBw) in Germany is based on rules and regulations that are essentially derived from the specifications of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). The basic aim of these specifications is to prevent attacks on data processing components (servers) and data transmission components (networks) and to protect the IT infrastructure against unintentional and […]

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