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Archive: News & technical articles

Sitaware Headquarters für die Führung der NATO-Landstreitkräfte

Die NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency) hat mit dem dänischen Softwareentwickler Systematic die Bereitstellung des Führungs- und Informationssystems Sitaware Headquarters für die Führung der NATO-Landstreitkräfte vereinbart. Der Auftragswert wird auf rund 28 Millionen Euro geschätzt, je zur Hälfte für die Implementierung und für die Unterstützung im Betrieb. Die Software soll im Rahmen des […]

Multi Sensor Data Fusion: Abschreckung mit optimierter Aufklärung

Mit dem Innovationsvorhaben Multi-Sensor Data Fusion des Cyber Innovation Hub der Bundeswehr werden Weltraumdaten mit Unterwasserdaten zusammengebracht und das Lagebild in der Nord- und Ostsee verdichtet. Wie wichtig die maritime kritische Infrastruktur für die Funktionsfähigkeit von Staat und Gesellschaft ist, hat der Sabotageakt an den Nord-Stream-Gaspipelines im September 2022 einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit vor Augen geführt. […]

Bundeswehr procures 30,000 speaking sets with hearing protection

After approval by the Budget Committee of the German Bundestag, the Bundeswehr can conclude a framework agreement for up to 191,000 speaking sets with hearing protection (SMG). In an initial order, 30,000 speaking sets including connecting cables are to be ordered for delivery this year. In order to meet the minimum purchase quantity, a second order is required for the delivery of an additional 30,000 SMG for […]

BattleOne – the networking of the battlefield is taking shape

On March 12, 2024, Northrop Grumman Corporation and Diehl Defense GmbH & Co. KG signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to formalize their collaboration in support of innovative multi-layered air and missile defense capabilities. The partnership aims to add state-of-the-art ground-based air and missile defense systems to the U.S. Army's Integrated Battle Command System (IBCS), such as: […]

Sensible Netzwerke mit Hard- und Software von genua und Adva Network Security

Der deutsche IT-Sicherheitsspezialist genua und die ebenfalls deutsche Adva Network Security sind eine langfristige strategische Kooperation eingegangen, hat genua mitgeteilt. Demnach kombinieren die beiden Unternehmen ihre Expertise bei hochsicheren Metro- und VPN-Netzwerken, um für Kunden mit hohem Schutzbedarf ein integriertes Angebot zu schaffen, das höchste IT-Sicherheit und Leistungsfähigkeit gewährleistet. genua bringe seine jahrzehntelange Erfahrung in […]

Data System Software für COBRA qualifiziert

Im Rahmen des Mid-Life-Update des Counter Battery Radars COBRA hat die OCCAR zusammen mit der Elektroniksystem und Logistik GmbH (ESG) einen weiteren Schritt absolviert. Wie die OCCAR mitgeteilt hat, wurde nach Einrüstung der ATLAS-Baugruppe durch Thales und die ESG die neue Version der Data System-Software unter Einsatzbedingungen geprüft. Ziel des Unternehmens war, eine gemeinsame Software […]

Kooperation der ESG mit Omnisys für Optimierung in der Luftverteidigung

Die ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH und der israelische Anbieter von Optimierungssoftware, Omnisys Ltd., haben vereinbart, im Bereich der Battle Ressource Optimization (BRO) auf dem Gebieten der Luftverteidigung und -überwachung zu kooperieren. Wie die ESG mitgeteilt hat, wurde die exklusive Vereinbarung im Februar unterzeichnet. Über die Zusammenarbeit soll die Möglichkeit zur Einführung der kampferprobte BRO-Softwaresuite von […]

CIP: Crowd Information Platform

Eine zerstörte Brücke oder unpassierbares Gelände können über das Leben von Soldatinnen und Soldaten entscheiden. Doch wie erlangt man die nötige Informationsüberlegenheit, das präzise Lagebild? Wie lassen sich diese Informationen in Echtzeit gewinnen? Mit der Crowd Information Platform (CIP) legt das Münchener Startup Munich Innovation Labs zusammen mit dem Cyber Innovation Hub der Bundeswehr eine […]

US-Regierung genehmigt HF-Funkgeräte für die Bundeswehr

Einer Mitteilung der Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) zufolge hat das US-Außenministerium einen möglichen Verkauf von Hochfrequenz-, Höchstfrequenz- und Ultrahochfrequenz-Funkgeräten und zugehöriger Ausrüstung an die deutsche Regierung zu einem geschätzten Preis von 281 Millionen US-Dollar (umgerechnet 259 Millionen Euro) genehmigt. Damit ist ein Meilenstein im Verfahren Foreign Military Sales (FMS) erreicht. Aus der Mitteilung geht […]

Project CONVOY for AI support of IED reconnaissance

The EU is funding the CONVOY (ClOud iNtelligent explosiVe detection sYstem) project for the detection of improvised explosive devices through the European Defense Fund EDF. The four-year project with studies and prototype construction is funded with five million euros. The European consortium with nine companies/institutes from five EU member states is coordinated by the Spanish technology group GMV. From Germany […]

National IT situation center opened at BSI

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser and BSI President Claudia Plattner ceremoniously opened the new National IT Situation Center on February 6th. At the same time, they started the BSI initiative “Cybernation Germany”. According to a statement from the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), the new national IT situation center is equipped with the latest communication technology and has ten workstations in regular operation. BSI specialists retain […]

Electronic reconnaissance systems ARIS for two NATO member countries

The Finnish technology group Patria is supplying an ARIS electronic reconnaissance system to two European NATO member countries, as the company announced on February 2nd. According to Patria, the ARIS electronic reconnaissance system allows its user to collect information about the signals from radars and other radio transmitters of opposing parties. The system can be used to detect, locate and identify radars and [...]

Functional tests of the TACTICAL CORE communication platform completed

An important basis for the “digitization of land-based operations” (D-LBO) has been created: After completion of the functional tests under combat conditions, the digital communications platform TACTICAL CORE from blackned is considered operational, the manufacturer announced on January 26th. According to blackned, TACTICAL CORE is a significant core element of the D-LBO program due to its central function. Since 2021, the company has […]

The Bundeswehr's military radar data network is being renewed

The Bundeswehr's military radar data network (MilRADNET), in which military flight monitoring and flight plan data have been distributed for around 20 years, is being renewed. According to the company, the Frequentis subsidiary Frequentis Comsoft was commissioned to make MilRADNET future-proof for monitoring German airspace, primarily by eliminating obsolescence. According to Frequentis, the development of MilRADNET began in 2004 and was […]

The Bundeswehr's wide area network is now encrypted in a quantum-resistant manner

BWI, the federal IT service provider, has modernized the Bundeswehr's wide area network (WANBw) over the past three years, as the company announced. Bandwidths of up to 100 Gbit/s are now possible. The data streams are encrypted in a quantum-resistant manner. The cryptography solution is approved by the Federal Office for Information Security, BSI, for classified information up to the VS-NfD classification level. The core network […]

CIHBw innovation project of the month: Augmented Common Operational Picture (ACOP) – the virtual sandbox for locally distributed command output

With ACOP, 3D location maps can be displayed digitally and true to scale on an area of ​​up to 100 square meters. By connecting to Sitaware, the Bundeswehr's command and control information system, ACOP shows the situation live at any time. Location in 3D: a virtual view of the terrain The innovation project of the Bundeswehr's Cyber ​​Innovation Hub enables, with the help of powerful mixed reality glasses [...]

Bundesmessenger is available for use

The BWI, the federal IT system house, made the Federal Messenger available for free download on December 18th. According to the BWI, the Federal Messenger is BWI's secure messaging solution for public administration. It is available in the Apple, Google and Huawei app stores. In addition, all software components required to operate the system […]

Framework agreement for 34,000 command radios

The framework agreement of 2022 and the subsequent amendment between the Bundeswehr and Rohde & Schwarz regarding the procurement of up to 34,000 command radios are permissible, the Higher Regional Court ruled on December 1st (ESuT reported). For the first time since the change to an ongoing framework agreement, the contractor Rohde & Schwarz has now spoken out. […]

Ordering radio devices for D-LBO is permitted

The Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court has made a final decision that awarding the procurement of radio equipment to Rohde & Schwarz for the “Digitization of Land-Based Operation” (D-LBO) project is permissible. Thales' immediate complaint against the award was rejected as inadmissible for formal reasons. This emerges from a press release from the court on December 1st. In his further […]

Hensoldt and Rafael develop jamming system to protect naval ships

The sensor solution provider Hensoldt says it is further developing its “Kalaetron Attack” jamming system for use on board naval ships. The fully digital system has proven to be very effective in neutralizing anti-aircraft radars in several test campaigns. Now the company is using lessons learned from land-based and air-based testing to develop an electronic protection capability for naval vessels.

SitaWare Maritime – Frigate F126 receives command and control information system from Systematic

The German Navy's future F126 frigates will receive command and control information systems from Systematic, the company has announced. As part of a contract with DXC Technology Deutschland GmbH, Systematic will equip the warships with the National Maritime C2 Service Bundeswehr (NMC2S Bw), the statement says. SitaWare Headquarters is already in use by the Bundeswehr and will […]

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