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With the second call from the framework contracts with Rheinmetall, which were extended or concluded in July 2023, the BMVg is continuing to increase stocks of 155mm artillery ammunition. The call includes tens of thousands of L15 projectiles for the Ukrainian armed forces as well as conventional 155mm Assegai projectiles for the German armed forces, as Rheinmetall writes. The contract value amounts to a low three-digit million euro amount. Delivery is scheduled to take place during 2024.

According to Rheinmetall, the recently concluded framework agreement for the delivery of 155mm artillery ammunition runs until 2029 and has a potential gross order volume of around 1.2 billion euros. The first orders for combat and training ammunition were placed immediately after the contract was signed.

Zu der Munitionsfamilie, die Rheinmetall im Artilleriebereich anbietet, gehören unter anderem das Sprenggeschoss DM121, das Nebelgeschoss DM125 und die Suchzündermunition DM702 SMArt (eine Entwicklung mit Diehl Defence) sowie das Übungsgeschoss RH68 und die reichweitenoptimierten Nebelgeschosse RH1901 und RH1902. Zudem umfasst das Portfolio die vielseitige 155mm-Assegai-Artilleriemunitionsfamilie aus dem Hause Rheinmetall Denel Munition: insensitive Munition (IM), konventionelle Sprenggeschosse (High Explosive/HE) sowie Nebel-, Leucht-, Infrarot-Leucht und weitere Geschosse. Das gesamte Assegai-Munitionsspektrum kann auf die volle Reichweite von rund 40 Kilometern genutzt werden. Mit dem genannten Rahmenvertrag wird die Assegai-Munitionsfamilie in die Bundeswehr eingeführt.

The need to refill the armed forces' ammunition depots arises from the war in Ukraine. In this context, Rheinmetall has received several large orders in the area of ​​artillery ammunition.

Editors / gwh