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The German Heron TP (GHTP) drone is a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) of the Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) class. The overall system consists of the remote-controlled aircraft, a ground control station and communication systems for control and mission data transmission.

Like Heron 1, GHTP is part of the successful Heron family. The future will show whether the more than 70,000 flight hours in operation that Heron 1 has flown since 2010 can be surpassed by GHTP.

The GHTP itself is based on the Heron TP of the Israeli Air Force (IAF) and was expanded to include additional components for the German armed forces, e.g. B. a weather radar, a de-icing system, a TCAS II (Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System) and air safety-related facilities supplemented to ensure a military type certification of the system and wide-ranging applications.

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