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The European Cyber ​​and Information Domain Coordination Center (CIDCC) should be able to show initial certification from next year. According to the plans, full operational readiness will be established by 2026. This emerges from a report by the Ministry of Defense in Berlin.

The task of the CIDCC should be to support EU-led military operations and missions as an initial coordination element by bringing together information and findings from the cyber and information space, evaluating them and then introducing them into the military planning and command process.

The CIDCC is a European joint project that was launched in 2019 as part of the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) (ESUT reported). Deutschland hat die Koordinierungsfunktion für das Projekt. Weitere Mitglieder sind Frankreich, Ungarn und die Niederlande. Zudem gibt es elf Staaten, die als Beobachter in das Vorhaben involviert sind.

According to a statement from the CIR Command, the CIDCC is to be permanently integrated into the EU structures and, in the long term, also to be able to plan and lead operations in the cyber and information space.

From October 2023, according to the BMVg, the project partners will provide the necessary resources and information for the operation of a first expansion stage of the CIDCC. The project should then be completed by 2026 at the latest and transferred to an "EU CIDCC". After the end of the project phase, the CIDCC can be further developed jointly, according to the Ministry of Defence.

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