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Normally, hardly any direct connection is seen between the concept of philosophy and the appearance of a tank. Nevertheless, in the relevant specialist circles, the term tank philosophy is very often used for military-technical-scientific considerations.

Während es sich dabei um recht breitbandige Überlegungen handelt, soll in diesem Beitrag unter dem Begriff „Panzerphilosophie“ nur ein kleiner thematischer Ausschnitt behandelt werden. Konkret sollen hier der Begriff der „Entwicklungsphilosophie“ näher betrachtet werden.

One can speak of a development philosophy when individual vehicles have a special design that deviates from the norm or when several armored vehicles have special, common design elements that have shaped the technical design over a longer period of time. Events/experiences from combat missions, specific military demands, influential personalities and the emergence of new technologies can be considered as causes and reasons for these similarities.

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