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In order to provide information with national and international reconnaissance data, the Bundeswehr will, in a first step, receive parts of the “Coalition Shared Data” (CSD) IT equipment. The entire system of joint intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (Joint-ISR) IT services is to be procured in four independently usable, deployable containers and made available to the spearhead of the NATO VJTF 2023.

With CSD, the results from the areas of reconnaissance and military intelligence are harmonized, stored in a standardized manner and made available for display and transmission. This benefits, among other things, the joint reconnaissance and surveillance process (Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Joint ISR) in operations within NATO and the EU.

IBM Germany was selected as the main contractor in an abbreviated process. Airbus Defense and Space, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft IOSB, Esri Deutschland, Infodas, M4Com System and Norrenbrock Technik are to be hired as key subcontractors.

The portion relevant to the NATO spearhead VJTF 2023 is scheduled to be delivered by 2022. Maintenance and operational support have also been agreed for the operational period until 2024. The overall package is estimated at 59.3 million euros. According to the Defense Ministry, a further 58.1 million euros will be required for the use of the systems in the following years up to 2036.

The CSD system is to be further expanded in a second step after the VJTF deployment. The scope and schedule have not yet been published.

Gerhard Heiming