Mobile housing for 87,000 people
Gerhard Heiming
Again and again, emergency services in land-based operations have to be accommodated at short notice for periods ranging from a few hours to several weeks. The Bundeswehr improves the equipment of the soldiers with the new system "Movable accommodation in the armed forces" (ESuTreported).
The Bundeswehr intends to cover the accommodation requirements for 87,000 people in three stages: the plan envisages 23,520 accommodation units (UE) by 2023, 34,580 UE are to be added by 2027 and a further 28,900 UE by 2031.
In einem Rahmenvertrag mit Kärcher Futuretech will die Bundeswehr die Lieferung von 19.000 Systemen für 76.000 Unterbringungseinheiten vereinbaren. Dafür sind 82,6 Millionen Euro veranschlagt. Davon werden für 13 Millionen Euro 2.505 Gesamtsysteme (einschließlich fünf für Erprobung und Nachweisführung) fest bestellt zur Lieferung im nächsten Jahr und 750 Systeme als Austauschvorrat im übernächsten Jahr (2023). Damit können 2.500 Systeme für die Unterbringung von 10.000 Soldaten bei der Speerspitze der NATO VJTF 2023 zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
Due to the high time pressure, the systems to be delivered have not yet been tested. This takes place with the first series copies and is supplemented by the experience of the troops. Depending on the performance in the field, a decision is then made on further deliveries (possibly with improvements) from the framework contract.
The BMVg has set 7.5 percent of the procurement costs per year as usage costs. The relatively high amount is due to the fact that the material wears out quickly and is not repaired but replaced. The tent material has to be replaced about every ten years.
Gerhard Heiming