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Planning for the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle on a seagoing platform goes back to the concept phase of the K130 class corvettes in the 1990s.

A UAS is intended to close the capability gap of classifying and identifying sea targets using electro-optical/infrared sensors outside the reconnaissance range of the carrier ships' on-board sensors. In January 1998, the tactical-technical requirement for the naval drone, on-board, was approved.

For the development and procurement of 15 aircraft for the seagoing platforms Einsatzgruppenversorger (EGV), Tender 404, Corvette K130 and the frigates F122 to 124, costs amounting to DM 592 million at the time were estimated.

In the period from 2007 to 2013, the procurement of the UAS Camcopter S-100 from the Austrian manufacturer Schiebel for the 1st lot K130 was considered as part of the SAATEG VTOL project (strategic imaging reconnaissance in the depth of the operational area - Vertical Take off and Landing). In the summer of 2008, flight demonstrations were carried out on board the corvette K130 "Braunschweig" in the Baltic Sea. The basic suitability for the use of ships could be determined in this context. However, no procurement was carried out because must requirements such as automatic takeoff and landing capability and the use of F-44 fuel were not met.

UMS Skeldar V-200 Sea Falcon in flight over the Baltic Sea (Photo: PIZ Marine)

Seit 2016 befindet sich das Projekt AImEG (Aufklärung und Identifizierung im maritimen Einsatzgebiet) und seit 2017 das Projekt VorMUAS (Vordringliches Marine UAS) zur Beschaffung eines unbemannten Drehflüglers zum Einsatz von Bord der K130 in der Realisierung. Das Projekt VorMUAS entstand aus einer Sofortinitiative und deckt eine Anfangsbefähigung bis zur Umsetzung des Projekts AImEG ab. Im Jahr 2018 wurde im Rahmen des Projekts VorMUAS ein Vertrag zwischen dem BAAINBw und der ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH zur Beschaffung eines Systems aus zwei unbemannten Drehflüglern UMS Skeldar V-200 geschlossen.

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